LUAP Paints a Giant Pink Bear in Shoreditch

LUAP is an artist known for his Pink Bear. Normally painted in fine detail on canvas. His ventures outside the studio have normally only been reserved for paste ups. This week though he went big for his first painted street art piece in Shoreditch.

Working with street art agency ‘Outside the Zone‘ the piece called ‘Love Life’ took four days to complete. Featuring his famous pink bear. He is stood holding a skull whilst behind concentric pink circles form as a background. The piece was painted on the underside of a railway bridge on Batemans Row.

The Pink Bear by LUAP in Shoreditch
The Pink Bear by LUAP. Painted under a bridge on Batemans Row in Shoreditch
Short film featuring Love Life by LUAP

First Street Art Mural

For a first major street art mural it was an ambitious one. By far the biggest artwork across any genre for the artist. To create it he used the more traditional method of paint and brushes. LUAP does sometimes use spray paint in his work, but not in any major way. He is perhaps best known for his fine art, photo realistic painting. For that detail is paramount and nothing is left to chance. Single works can normally take months to complete.

Also known as the artist Paul Robinson, LUAP is also someone we interviewed recently. Part of our Art Online series he explains where the pink bear came from. Born out of a fond memory, it has become a staple in his work. First depicted solo he has then evolved to start interacting more and more with people around him.

Paul Robinson aka LUAP by his street art wall
LUAP on completion of the first stage of the wall

Love Life

Called ‘Love Life’ the piece explores the concept of existence and personal choice. It shows the Pink Bear standing holding skull with love hearts for eyes. “This work explores the concept that we are in control of our own destiny” explains LUAP. That we hold our life in our own hands and we have the power to shape our life. So why not shape your life in a positive way and make it a happy one?”

“We will all die sooner or later, thats the reality of life. So when one gets to the end, make sure that you have lived a great life and loved as many moments as you can. The love heart eyes symbolise that the person who died loved their life and although it is sad they are gone, they made the most of their time on earth”.

LUAP painted his pink bear on Batemans Row in Shoreditch with support from ‘Outside the Zone’. It was painted between 1st and 5th July 2020.

View of the Pink Bear under a bridge in Shoreditch
The Pink Bear in Shoreditch
The completed pink bear painted on a wall in Shoreditch
The Pink Bear with detail added
The artist Paul Robinson covered in paint
Paul Robinson is the artist also known as LUAP

Video Interview with Paul Robinson

An interview with Paul Robinson aka LUAP


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