Street Art and Graffiti from Leicesters 2017 Bring the Paint Festival

It’s not a city I’d ever thought of as having the potential to be street art hub but the ‘Bring the Paint‘ festival earlier in the year has certainly put paid to that.

Leicester is clearly a city in transformation. The furore surrounding the discovery of Richard III’s bones underneath a car park in the centre of the city seems to have invigorated it. A quick wander around the area of the car park though shows that this is in fact an ancient medieval centre and the car park is actually the heart of the old greyfriars monastery, it’s a fascinating place.

Well, geeky obsession satisfied but our real reason for visiting the city was all about the street art. Courtesy of the aforementioned ‘Bring the Paint’ and centered around city’s cultural quarter of St. George’s, itself an area that seems reborn.

bates leicester
Bates piece on Southampton Street greeting visitors to the Bring the Paint festival in Leicester

Bring the Paint 2017

There are some great pieces to see in the surrounding streets. A mixture of works from street artists and graffiti writers alike. Stand out pieces from the likes of Bristol’s Voyder, Glasgow’s SMUG and Copenhagen’s Bates being particular highlights.

At the heart of the cultural quarter is the Leicester Creative Business Depot on Rutland Street, better known as the LCB. Streets such as Southampton Street, Midland Street, Yeoman Street and Clarence Street all play host to decent pieces and easy to walk around.

So, we didn’t have too long to talk a look around and I also suspect that we’ve missed a few pieces but here are the places to find graffiti and street art in Leicester.

LCB depot

The creative hub, the LCB, boasts an impressive piece from SMUG overlooking Rutland Street where it sits. Around the back of the LCB is also a yard backing onto Colton Street, sadly closed when we visited but well worth a look if only for the piece of genius from Mista Breakfast which can be seen through the gates.

smug leicester
Amazing wall from SMUG overlooks the entrance to the LCB Depot
Mista Breakfast
In the yard of the LCB Depot from Mista Breakfast

Rutland Street

At the bottom of Rutland Street there were some hoardings or at least they were at the time of writing this.

n4t4 leicester
Work from N4T4 on hoardings at the bottom of Rutland Street
Excellent mural from N4T4 in the cultural quarter
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Piece on hoardings with a credit for Graff HQ
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More work on the hoardings

Southampton Street – The Sound House

One of Leicester’s top music venues the sound house received a painting both inside and out care of the festival. Alex Rubes painted the exterior with inside a series of pieces from Si Michell, Aliss Curtis and Peachez.

sound house leicester Alex Rubes
The painted Sound House from Alex Rubes on Southampton Street
aliss curtis peachez leicester
Parrot and background from Aliss Curtis and Peachez on the side of the Sound House
Aliss Curtis and Peachez
The completed piece from Aliss Curtis and Peachez at the Sound House from above
si mitchell sound house leicester
All sorts of art from Si Michell in the yard of the Sound House
si mitchell graffiti leicester
Si Mitchell in the yard of the Sound House
si mitchell sound house leicester
Fox from Si Mitchell in the yard of the Sound House
sound leicester
Sound from Si Michell in the Sound House yard

Southampton Street – Queens Street Car Park

A bit further down the street the Queens Street Car Park which can be accessed from Southampton Street and of course Queen Street itself. Giant works from graffiti legends Voyder and Bates can be seen here.

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Bates mural on Southampton Street
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Wall by Said Kinos in the Queen Street car park off Southampton Street
voyder leicester
Voyder piece in the Queens Street car park
voyder leicester
Voyder tag

Morledge Street

A small car park is the place to spot works by a whole bunch of graffiti artists with work on the walls both inside and out. Most of the tags I didn’t recognise although ones from Boogie and Voyder were easy to identify.

boogie leicester
Work from Boogie
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A hole in the wall looking into the car park
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Graffiti on the walls
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Graffiti tags in the car park
boogie leicester
Boogie tag
voyder leicester
Voyder tag
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Graffiti on Morledge Street

Midland Street

A giant wall from Philth is the dominating piece on Midland Street overlooking a small patch of waste ground often used as a car park. Further on there are some painted shutters including a collaboration between graffiti legends Hombre and Boogie, who when painting together as known as Homboog.

leicester philith
Giant work from Philth in a small car park off Midland Street
philith graffiti leicester
Impressive mural from Philth
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Wall with works from Ruelo and what looks to be Core246
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Core 246 close up
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Graffiti on the back wall of the small parking area on Midland Street
homboog leicester
Team Homboog
homboog leicester
Detail of the piece from Homboog

Yeoman Street

Stretching from Rutland Street to the main thoroughfare of Humberstone Gate, Yeoman Street has a couple of pieces on it.

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Piece from Alert on Yeomans Street
sky high roo graffiti leicester
Sky High and Roo on Yeomans Street
sky high roo graffiti leicester
Roo and Sky High
graffiti leicester

Clarence Street & St James Street

A couple of streets on the other side of Humberstone Gate with art dotted along them including a piece from Bristol favourite Inkie on the side of the building occupied by Graff HQ, the graffiti company supporting the event.

inkie leicester
Bring the Paint piece from Inkie on Clarence Street
The building on the corner of St James Street with various artworks along its walls
ling leicester
Work by Ling in Leicester on St James Street
kully rehal
Work from Kully Rehal on St James Street

The street art of Leicester was visited and all photos taken on 11 & 12 September 2017. Bring the Paint took place on 27 May 2017.  For more articles about street art in cities around the UK check out these from London, Sheffield, Birmingham, Aberdeen, Rochdale, Blackburn, BristolBlackburn, Brighton and Manchester. You can also read an interview with festival director Izzy Hoskins here.


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