Interview with Sculptural Street Artist DMINTN

DMINTN is an artist whose work on the street involves intricate sculptural arrangements. Placed high above alcoves. They can often be found amongst the bustle of the East End. A unique addition to the vibrant local scene of paste ups, mini sculpture, street art and graffiti.

Untitled work on Chance Street


The name is a deconstruction of his real name. Inspired in part by the technique that he uses for his art. DMINTN’s sculptures usually start off as a large square panel of recycled pvc. Shapes that emerge from the cutting process reform themselves into an abstract three dimensional shape. “My idea is to make people curious about it, as I try to do with my artworks” explains DMINTN. “I want them to guess, see or give a meaning to my art”.

Sclater Street sculpture

Sculpture on the Streets

First starting to place sculptures on the street around three years ago, it became a kind of obsession. “I was looking for the perfect spots for the right pieces” he says. Eventually starting to see the city with different eyes. All the time looking for a corner or street with a good footfall where his work would stand out. Everything is handmade and cut by eye. “I don’t use maths for it, every single piece it’s made in the moment. And they are all unique artworks”.

Dmintn sculpture high above Brick Lane

Happy Accident

Always an artist DMINTN used to spend a lot of time just drawing though was never really satisfied. “I was looking for something new and unique, something never seen before” he tells me. The realisation that his work was going to take on more of a sculptural form came by accident. Painting a regular canvas he became unhappy with it and started to play around with the frame. “An idea came out from somewhere in my brain and I started to build this black and white structure. At that time I used only foamboard and pins. Then slowly my process took me to create something”.

Large yellow sculptural arrangement on Brick Lane


DMINTN talks about ‘energies’ when describing his pieces. He describes trying to reproduce abstract energy, sensation and emotion. “Something that we can’t see in a physical thing”. Sometimes he says that can be his own energy. In other cases perhaps a detail of the city or the vibes that someone gives out. At points it might even be inspired by an electronic beat he likes.

Black and white piece on Brick Lane near the Truman Brewery

Beats and Vinyl

The connection that music gives him in his work is important. Preferring mainly instrumental underground electronic beats. He likes downtempo, lofi, vapourwave, dub techno and all the sub cultures which connect to that kind of music. “When I create most of the time I listen to the vinyl collection” he tells me. “I get connected with what I listen to whilst the vinyl spins and I follow that flow to make my sculptures”.

London Street Art

An Italian living in London he finds the street art scene in the city fascinating. “There are a lot of unbelievable works around… What I love is the variety of many different styles, meanings, concepts. There’s always an evolution, new artists everyday”. It’s that sense of change and freshness that he says leads him to do more and more of his own work in the street.

White Post Lane in Hackney Wick

Abstract Art

DMINTN says the response to his work can be interesting. “I think my art it’s not fully understood yet”. Abstract art he says can be confusing but then that’s part of his aim on the street. To confuse viewers and to confront people with it. Ultimately it is for people to place their own interpretation on the piece.

DMINTN work on Shoreditch High Street

Space and Meaning

Each work is created for the space that it is in. The colour and the size depending very much upon a pre-determined location. The energies that DMINTN described earlier then go into it’s construction. Feeling his way into the creation of the piece. It is only when it is placed that meaning, if there is any, can be attached. Even then it’s transient. One that is bestowed by the viewer whoever that may be.

DMINTN was interviewed over email during July 2022. All photographs used in this piece are courtesy of the artist. More about his work can be discovered on his website and instagram.

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