Banksy EU Flag Mural in Dover

The Banksy mural in Dover first appeared in 2017. Painted onto the side of a row of terraces. It depicts a workman up a ladder. He is chipping away at one of the golden stars of a giant EU flag. Sadly the piece is no longer there. It was painted over in mysterious circumstances in 2019.

The Banksy mural on York Street in Dover

Banksy and the EU

A clear reference to the UK leaving the EU. Out of the star ran a series of cracks. Representing the fault lines that were being created as a result of the EU exit. They are impacting on the integrity of the rest of the EU flag. No longer pristine, the cracks are there for all to see.

Using a hammer and chisel, the workman dressed in a cap and overalls is standing on the top rung of the ladder. As he chips away, the golden pieces of the star fall to the ground. The figure of the man is painted in a recognisable style to what people might commonly associate with Banksy. Whilst around the piece is dominated by the blue of the EU flag.

A workman chips away at the EU flag whilst bits of the golden star falls to the ground

According to the BBC, the building on which the Banksy has been placed is due to demolition although surprise surprise, the owners of the building are now looking at options to sell it. We’ll see what happens but as it is, it certainly adds a nice splash of colour to the port town.

The Banksy mural in Dover can be found on York Street near to the ferry terminal end. It is a short walk from the town’s train station. The mural was visited on 1 February 2018 and was created in May 2017. It was painted over by persons unknown in 2019.

Banksy Dover Mural Gallery

The York Street mural as seen from the hill walking down
The workman standing on the top rung of the ladder chipping away
The Banksy mural with an anchor in the foreground
Behind the fence. The future is uncertain for the Banksy Mural in Dover

For more Banksy related posts have a look at this Inspiring City series.


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